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Cahill Butterfly Map 1909

Cahill-Keyes M-layout world map silhouette including Antarctica
Cahill 1909
Cahill-Keyes 1975
Cahill-Keyes World Map by Others, Part 2
A gallery of 14 different versions:
published, and drafts in progress
Here is a sequel to the first set of 9 various renditions of the Cahill-Keyes World Map. Except for #8 below, I believe these are all D3's. I have tweaked their size or appearance to have a uniform set of comparisons across the frames.

The images are each resized to ca. 35 cm long (14"), ca. 1:115 million, more or less, depending on your monitor's size and resolution. (I selected a setting of 960 pixels in a 965 pixel frame, so as to show the entire world span on a 15" screen.) Until I make a slide show, you may want to open each world map in a separate tab, then click from one to the next to appreciate their variations at a glance. (Item #10 shows a detail close-up of the Denmark area at ca. 1/10 M

1) Philippe Rivière
Cahill-Keyes, D3, black continental silhouette version with 10º graticule.

2) Philippe Rivière
Cahill-Keyes, D3, white outline version with national borders and 10º graticule.


3) Philippe Rivière
GK note: This image is the same as the above, but inadvertently rendered with a black
and white graticule in my old Mac OS 9 [Big Picture]; go figure.
I think it looks pretty good, as a variant; in fact more vivid than the original.

4) Kerkovits Krisztián
From a Hungarian website "Projection viewer" [English version]. Many projections to choose from (including Cahill-Keyes), and variables to enter. Note that "-20" (i.e., 20º W) must be put in the "Optimizer" for a correct division of the the C-K octants in the standard Atlantic profile. But for the Pacific version after this one, use 160 (i.e., 160º E).


5) Kerkovits Krisztián
GK note: The original website background is speckled grey, as in the first image;
for the Pacific version, my Mac OS 9 Goldberg image handler rendered the background in black,
which I think looks much better.


© Kerkovits Krisztián 2016–2018. Reproduction of the source code or the created images only with the permission of the author.

6) Philippe Rivière
Atlantic and Pacific versions:

7) Philippe Rivière


8) Tobias Jung
GK: This non-D3 is a nice rendition of a
remote image Cahill-Keyes
in a black background,
with reunited Antarctica:
a triple play!
But the 15
º geocells should all be 15º, rather than unevenly divided at the octant boundaries.

Cahill-Keyes Map Projection Image by Tobias Jung is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Image is based on Natural Earth II by Tom Patterson with darkened colors. Generated with G.Projector, Geocart or Flex Projector.


(Click on his smaller white-background view for this larger one.)


9) Philippe Rivière
A different remote composite. Note: light blue background was inserted by GK with FastStone image handler;
other viewers had white or black background, each of which spoiled the octants, or Antarctica.

A small version of this image is shown on Rivière's web page http://visionscarto.net/paper-planets-and-how-to-make-them. At my request Philippe sent me the full size draft, 15,783 x 6,193 pixels, 15 MB, ca. 133 cm long (52"), whose scale I calculate to be ca. 1/30 M. I then reduced the map to fit in this frame.

He also sent me the detail image below, showing a one-degree graticule:

10) Philippe Rivière
Cahill-Keyes, Denmark area detail, ca. 1/10 M, with one-degree geocells.
Image tweaked by Gene Keyes, reducing original size from ca. 1/7 M,
and increasing brightness, to highlight graticule.

TBA: darken each fifth meridian and parallel.

See my similar hand-drawn and computer-drawn outline versions of this area, 10x larger at 1/1 M, on http://www.genekeyes.com/MEGAMAP-BETA-1/Megamap-Beta-1.html

11) Philippe Rivière
A Cahill-Keyes relief map, enlarged from image on http://visionscarto.net/paper-planets-and-how-to-make-them.

12) Enrico Spinielli
The original Cahill-Keyes D3, in color with a 5º graticule (2013)


13) Philippe Rivière
In June 2019, Philippe Rivière was finally able to re-unite Antarctica into this D3 of a 10º Cahill-Keyes map.
His original has a white background, but my old Mac OS 9 image handler, Goldberg, makes it black.
I like it that way.


14) Jonathan Corum
On 2019-07-22, The New York Times online (not print) edition published a long article by James Borman, "Rabies Kills Tens of Thousands Yearly. Vaccinating Dogs Could Stop It." Included was a Cahill-Keyes world map by Jonathan Corum, "Rabies deaths from dogs".